– Using the official Up GourmetPay App: add your card to the App and activate it, indicating your data and the 10 digits printed on the reverse of your card. (You must carry out this process within the hours of use and with the amount on your card; ask your HR department if you do not know this).
You can also check your balance by going to the card website’s User Portal (www.tarjetachequegourmet.es) Enter the same access data as the App or the data you already have if the card is a duplicate.
The card PIN is necessary for paying amounts over €50 through NFC and you can check it on the GourmetPay App or the card website’s User Portal (www.tarjetachequegourmet.es)
If you do this through the App, go to the CARDS menu and click on CHECK YOUR PIN. Remember that you can only check it 3 times in total, after which you will not be able to check your PIN, so we recommend that you memorise it or jot it down. If you forget your PIN, go to your Human Resources department to apply for a new card. The card PIN cannot be changed at present.
The Up Gourmet card PIN cannot be changed at present.
Remember that, if you enter your PIN incorrectly 3 times, you must contact your company’s HR department to apply for a new card.
You must go to your company’s Human Resources department to apply for a new card.
If the Up Gourmet card is blocked as a result of entering the PIN incorrectly 3 times in a TPV, you must contact our Customer Service (sac@up-spain.com) to reactivate your card and unlock it.
The NFC or contactless payment is activated in two ways:
– When making your first physical payment through a TPV and entering your PIN.
– When adding your Up Gourmet card to the Gourmetpay App.
From then on, you can make payments of under €50 with NFC and without your PIN.
When making a payment with your card or adding it to the App, take into account the hours of use and the amount on your card. Ask your HR department if you do not know this.
If your Up Gourmet card is lost or stolen, you can:
– Deactivate it through the card website’s User Portal (www.tarjetachequegourmet.es), in the “Deactivate your card” section.
– Contact our Customer Service department to block or cancel it.
– You can also deactivate it through the Gourmetpay App by going to MENU > MY CARDS > YOUR CARD > ACTIVATE/DEACTIVATE
If the card is found, you can activate it once again or contact your company’s HR department to reactivate it.
If the card is not found, it must be blocked by calling one of the following telephone numbers as soon as possible: 913 626 200 or 902 114 400, 24-hour service, 7/7 days.
IMPORTANT: Blocking the card by phone will cancel your card and you will not be able to use it again. You must ask your company for a new one.
If you want to check the email associated with your Up Cheque Gourmet card, go to the User Portal, access your account with your card number and password. Then go to ADMINISTRATION and check some of your data such as the email associated with your account. If no email was stated, you can associate it now and save the changes.
To recover the password for the Up Gourmet card’s User Portal, go to www.tarjetachequegourmet.es, click on “FORGOT YOUR PASSWORD?” and enter your email. You will receive an email with the password change so that you can enable a new one.
If your card is a duplicate, you must add it once again to the GourmetPay App and to the User Portal if you had it this way so that you can continue seeing your balance and movements.
This new card has:
– different numbering
– a different PIN
– a different expiry date
If the card has been renewed, you must also add it to the App once again because it will have a different expiry date even though the PIN is the same.
Download it and register or log in on the App, then add the card to MY CARDS and enter the activation code (10 digits) printed on the reverse of the new card.
(You must carry out this process within the hours of use and with the amount on your card; ask your HR department if you do not know this).
It is a numeric password for accepting the payments you make through the Up Gourmetpay App itself.
To pay through the App, you must have previously added your debit or credit card or your Up Gourmet card to the App.
You then select the restaurant shown on the screen of list of restaurants and click on PAY. You then reach a screen with the amount to be entered as the price and tip, if you so wish. Click on NEXT STEP. You will then see a screen with the summary of the payment, discounts and/or tips, if any. You can also add your table number if the restaurant requires this or select the till where you want to pay (if this option appears).
Click on PAY NOW and your payment will be issued towards the restaurant’s TPV. You do not have to go near the till or TPV; the payment is issued via the Internet, remotely. (You must carry out this process within the hours of use and with the amount on your card; ask your HR department if you do not know this).